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The Instrument Collection

The instrument collection at Ringve Music Museum currently consists of about 2000 musical instruments from all over the world. In addition we have about one hundred instruments deposited from other museums and private individuals. It is a continuos process, and our collection is ever growing.

The keyboard collection at the museum includes an unsigned Italian virginal from around the 1600, a spinet from ca 1700, a large selection of clavichords from the 1700s, a harpsichord by Jacob Kirkman from 1767, hammer pianos signed J.A. Stein 1783 and Conrad Graf 1826 and a harp piano by Chr. Dietz from around 1870. 

From the collection of classic wind instruments, an alto recorder by J.B. Gahn from about 1700 and a clarinet quartet by Bilton, London from about 1840, are of particular note. Other highlights are string instruments like a violin by H&A Amati (1612), viola d’amore by Eberle, (Prag, 1755), viola da gamba from the workshop of Tielke, Hamburg (around 1700). Further, electronic instruments like a Subharchord II synthesizer from 1968 and a Gibson Les Paul electric guitar from 1952 are treasured items at Ringve Music Museum>

A large section of the collection consist of Traditional Norwegian instruments. Here you'll find Hardanger fiddles from the 17- and 1800s, Norwegian zithers (“langeleik”) from various parts of the country, and a varied selection of instruments used at the old mountain farms during hunts, sheperding, special ceremonies etc.

All continents are represented in the collection, with traditional instruments from Africa, Latin-America, Oceania and Asia. 

Museum24:Portal - 2024.10.08
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