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Lost Voices

Listening under the surface, a 26-channel sound installation at Ringve Music Museum

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Jana Winderen​
in collaboration with Tony Myatt​
February 2023 - February 2024 in the Kjeldsberg Room

Lost Voices
Ringve Music Museum is working with a new, socially relevant exhibition about sound as a source for understanding ecological systems and the impact of humans on underwater environments.

Visitors will enjoy hearing a specially created composition for the Kjeldsberg Room based on underwater sounds from the inner part of the Trondheim Fjord, from the Arctic Ocean and from tropical waters. Sub-surface life forms such as underwater insects, crustaceans, fish and mammals navigate, communicate and hunt in various ways with the aid of sound. Human activity affects and masks the sound of wildlife and makes it difficult for them to hear one another. Man-made sound increases while biophonia decreases.

Winderen has composed this sound installation using hundreds of audio recordings, and we hear sounds from places and creatures we are unaccustomed to hearing. Sounds are amplified by recordings made with hydrophones. These sounds are otherwise difficult to perceive for us who do not live in an underwater environment.

Lost Voices is open from February 2023 until February 2024.

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    Jana Winderen makes underwater recordings for the Art of Listening exhibition: Underwater at the Lenfest Center for the Arts, Colombia University, New York (2022). Photo: Gavin Browning

About the artist:

Jana Winderen, born in Bodø, is a sound artist with an education in the visual arts from Goldsmiths University in London. She also has a background from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo, where she studied mathematics, chemistry and fish ecology. Since 1992, she has used sound as a key element in her work. Beginning in 2005, she specialized in making sound recordings with underwater hydrophones. She is committed to rendering ecosystems in the sea audible and to revealing their vulnerability to human activity through compositions in space inside and outside. 

Winderen has created site-specific sound installations and concerts that have been shown and performed in internationally recognized institutions and in public spaces in Australia, Asia, Europe and America. 

Recent works include: 

·       The Art of listening: Underwater at the Lenfest Center for the Arts, Colombia University, New York (2022) 

·       Listening through the Dead Zones for IHME, Helsinki (2021) 

·       The Art of Listening: Underwater for Audemar Piguet at Art Basel, Miami (2019) 

·       Rising Tide at Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo (2019) 

·       Listening with Carp for Now is the Time in Wuzhen 

·       Through the Bones for Thailand Art Biennale in Krabi 

·       bára for TBA21_Academy, Spring Bloom in the Marginal Ice Zone for Sonic Acts 

·       Dive in Park Avenue Tunnel in New York and Ultrafield for MoMA, New York 

In 2011 she won the Golden Nica at Ars Electronica for Digital Musics & Sound Art. 
Her works have been purchased by the National Museum in Oslo, Thyssen Bornemisza Art Contemporary Collection, Austria and the RMIT Art Collection, Melbourne, Australia. She streams her work on Touch (UK). 

Jana Winderen:https://www.janawinderen.com 

Tony Myatt is a sound artist and engineer. He works as a professor of music and sound recording at the University of Surrey, United Kingdom. He specializes in spatial sound production, which entails the creation of three-dimensional sound projections for sound installation art, films and live sound performances.  

In his work, Myatt combines sound production techniques with the latest in 3D sound reproduction to place listeners in complex, multi-faceted 3D sound environments. Much of his work revolves around spatial sound reproduction of wildlife and natural phenomena to promote themes related to the conservation of species, an awareness of endangered habitats and the effects of climate change and species threatened by human activity. 

Tony Myatt: https://www.surrey.ac.uk/people/tony-myatt 

Museum24:Portal - 2024.10.21
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